Australasian Association of Philosophy
2 0 2 4 A A P C O N F E R E N C E O N L I N E , 16 - 18 October 2024
Commentary and Responses on
Gila Sher’s ‘The “Post-Truth” Crisis, the Value of Truth, and the Substantivist-Deflationist Debate’
Australasian Philosophical Review (APR) Special Volume
This panel of commentators will discuss the profound impact the post-truth era has upon philosophers who explore the nature and value of truth. Panelists will be composed of commentators and curators of the volume.
Research Interests:
Foundations of Logic, Knowledge, and Truth, Human Values, Science, Mathematics, Meta-Ethics, Kant, Tarski, Quine
Selected Topics:
- Principle of Logicality, Logical Realism, Logical Structuralism, Logical Exceptionalism (anti-exceptionalism), Logic and the Formal Structure of the World, Invariance under Isomorphisms (Maximal Invariance), Scope of Logic, Epistemology and Metaphysics of Logic, Logical Consequence, Logical Constants, Tarski, Branching Quantification,
Mathematics: Realism without either Platonism or Empiricism, Mathematical Properties vs. Mathematical Individuals, Invariance in Mathematics, Relation between Logic and Mathematics
- Epistemic Friction and Freedom, Foundational Holism (Foundations without Foundationalism, World-Oriented Holism, 3-Dimensional Holism), Dual Grounding of Knowledge in the World and the Human Mind, Neo-/Post-Quinean Model of Knowledge, Ubiquitous Role of Intellect in Knowledge, Intellect as Figuring out, Joint Sensory-Intellectual Access to the World, Basic Realism, Philosophy as a Branch of Knowledge, Kant, Quine, Scientific Change, Pessimistic Meta-Induction, Scientific Laws and Invariance, Abstraction in Science, Realism and Pragmatism.
- Truth as a Human Value (a Value-Theoretic Approach to Truth), The Post-Truth Crisis, Enlightened Correspondence, Correspondence Pluralism, Truth in Science, Logic, Mathematics, and Ethics, Fundamental Principle of Truth (Immanence, [Human] Transcendence, Normativity), Substantivist Approach to Truth, Critique of Deflationism, The Liar Paradox, Kant, Tarski and Kripke on Truth
- Origins, Content, and Features of Human Values, The Human Value of Truth, Mackie’s Objection to the Reality of Values
Interviews & Remembrance
Philosophical Interviews:
Charles Parsons – Remembrance